Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Mommy, MiMi, and NaNa (both grandmas) took Alex trick or treating last night. We had a ball with her. She was very timid and shy at first but once she realized what she got when she said "Twi Twee" her little legs couldn't run fast enough up those driveways to get that treat in her pumpkin. Of course , everyone thought she was so cute. Some lady even gave her a kitty purse filled with goodies for being such a cutie.

Alex with MiMi pulling her in her wagon. Her costume was a butterfly but she wouldn't hold her arms out to get a picture of the wings but you get the gist of it.
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1 comment:

Trixie said...

I was just going to ask what the costume was of...when I read your note about the wings. AH! Now I get it!

Also the photo shoot for the Christmas cards...GOOD LUCK! I feel the same way only mine just won't sit still. I have more photos of the back of his head.