Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't want Gabriella left out of the conversation

You know I was sitting here this morning thinking about Gabriella and how I feel that she needs to be talked about. We really are so excited about adopting again and look forward to meeting our newest bundle of joy, however I also felt that I wasn't very excited because I know that we won't get to meet her until early next year at the earliest.
So I figure I would redo her photo's, I actully figured out how to copy them straight from our paperwork file, the first photo's were picutres taken from paper with our camera.
I don't know, I am really excited for Alex to have a sister/playmate/best friend. I still really don't know how she will take it, I know it seems alright now, but she gets all the attention now also, I worry that she will feel left out once we go to China.
When we got Alex, she was 9 months old, when we get Gabriella, she will be almost 3 or within a month or two. You know I don't really think that Alex realized what was going on, well Gabriella will definately know what is happening and that is what scares me the most. I understand that kids are resilient, everyone keeps saying that, but that doesn't matter, this dad is scared.
I so look forward to being a dad again and having two little girls that are really excited to see me. I know that this will happen with time, but it's not 2 years from now that scares me it is the next 6 months.
I just wanted to talk a little about Gabriella, I saw her pictures fading away to the bottom of the blog page so I figured it was time to put her back up front right where she belongs, I just don't want her to think that we aren't thinking about her, because we are.
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Robin said...

So I'm thinking maybe you should add Gabriella's photo to your sidebar so she stays "front and center" all the time and doesn't slip off the page. That is what I did to our Maddy's referral picture.

Secondly.. I totally understand how you feel. Maddy was 2 when we received her and I was terrified as to how she would accept us. She did GREAT! (praise God) but I know other's who have adopted older children that didn't fair as well for a few days/months.

We will be thinking of you when you travel and when you return home that the transition for all will go smoothly!

Stacy said...

Aww... what a sweet post. I had the pleasure of meeting your wife and daughter at a playdate a few weeks ago. We just got home with our 2 1/2 year old at the end of August. I can tell you that it has been a challenge but also a joy! Ainsley has been VERY slow to warm to her Father but has come around. I am still her favorite but my hubby does a great job of not taking it personally! I keep telling her that he is the FUN one! Ha! It seems that it is fairly common for toddlers to prefer one parent over the other. Anyway, I just thought your post was so sweet and I can tell your a great Dad! I look forward to following your journey to Gabriella! (I also have a Gabrielle!) Stacy

Michelle R Photography said...

What you are feeling is completely understandable. We adopted our oldest at 32-months old and we were blessed not to have any attachment issues. What we did have were two very naive parents who went from no kids to a nearly preschooler. Fortunately for you, Alex has your trained, so you are already one step up on what we were. ha ha

My Mia adores your Alex. I can't wait until they have another little playmate at our FCC play dates!