Thursday, April 16, 2009

Expressions of FuYin

So it is 4 am again and I am up-- the only to do is blog.
This will probably be my last post from Wuhan. I have mixed emotions about leaving. On one hand it is time to move on and start our life with our sweet girl, Abby. She has so much waiting for her at home in Ohio.
But..... on the otherhand, it is bittersweet to take FuYin from everything she has ever known in her life. The familiar smells,the food, the language, the people....... everything that makes her comfortable and feeling safe. I know she will be fine and that kids are resilient but that does not make it easier for me.

I wonder about her bilogical mother and about her foster mother that she had grown close to. Do their arms ache to hold this sweet girl. Does she have any other brothers or sisters? What do her parents do? Are there any health problems in the family we should know about? All my questions will never be answered..... All her questions will never be answered... I only pray that we raise a beautiful sweet girl with a pure heart and strong sense of self. We are her parents now and we love her very much.

I would like to say thank you to our local guide, Lily, who is now our friend. I have asked her many many questions along the way. Not easy questions either , but the tough political, religious, and social questions that I was curious about and that I can tell my girl about someday. I don't know if I am not supposed to ask these questions but she was wonderful and answered them very honestly and openly. Through her I have come to understand more about China and it's beautiful unique people.

Now my sweet Abby is doing good. She wasn't feeling all that great today. Had a little fever. She was kind of grumpy but she did better toward the end of the night. She really didn't want Todd or me to touch her today. She tolerated us holding her but that is about it. She lets me hold her hand but not Todd. She cuddled with me in the van-- I think she was very very sleepy (it was nap time).
But at night, she had her bath and snacks and drinks and bedtime routine, she did great. She got her face very close to mine again and we even touched noses this time. She put kisses on her fingers and then on my cheek but no "real" kisses with those sweet little lips.
She is still saying her numbers in English with help. Her little accent is so cute. Wait til you all hear it. We will have to have her evauluated when we get back but she may need some speech therapy to help her with some pronunciations and sound formation.
She loves getting dressed in the morning. I think she is very curious about these strange clothes she is wearing. I am trying to get her to pull up her panties and pants when she is done going potty. I think people must have done this for her.
The potty situation is going great. She totally lets you know when she has to go. There is no doubt about what she needs. She even said "pee pee" the other day with Todd.
She is not a crier. She has cried maybe 3 times and only one of those was for a long time. At first she was striking out a little, especially at Todd. Sometimes I think she was just playing around but then a few times it was in anger. I keep telling her not nice and be gentle and this seems to be working. She also likes to poke at my face really hard. I don't know what that is all about but I use the same approach-- with a really soft voice "be gentle". I noticed last night when she was poking at me it was very gentle so I think she is getting it. She totally responds if I use any type of firm voice. I have to when giving her medicine or she won't take it and I DO NOT want to hold her down to give medicine. She shakes her head no and I just say yes very firmly and I think she just reconciles herself that it is not an option and then I praise her and hug her when we are done and she loves that.
I really don't know if I am doing the right things but it seems to be working. So I am just going with it.

That is about it from Wuhan. Next stop Guangzhou. Peace to all.

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1 comment:

Michelle R Photography said...

Faye and Todd,
You are both doing such a great job journaling your thoughts about this trip and about Abby... you are going to treasure this one day.

I am thrilled to say Mia and I have a fun little day planned tomorrow with a certain little precious someone. Hmmmmmm, who could that be? Must check my blog tomorrow night to find out. ;)

Hugs to you,