Monday, April 27, 2009

Fun with our China Family

We had a big day yesterday. We went to the park and then we met up with our friends the H's ( I will only use first names for privacy reasons). They were visiting the zoo here in town and wanted to know if we wanted to meet them. Of course, we said yes.
The H's are one of the families we traveled to China with to get Alex. They only live about an hour and half away so we see them a couple of times a year. This was really just a spur of the moment visit. We met them late in the day at the zoo because we went to the park earlier and then the girls were napping.

We were very brave parents because we actually took 6 toddlers to a restaurant to try to have dinner and good conversation. We did great-- I am not sure about the other people trying to have dinner around us but we had fun.

Alex loves" Care-wine" ( Caroline). She is the one in the hot pink pants. She went to China with us when she was only 6 month old. What a big girl she is now. I can't believe how our girls have grown.

Here in the picture is Lily, Gabe holding Ani, Caroline, Alex, and Abby.
Abby just kind of fit right in-- she was running and playing with all of them.

Alex, Caroline, and Lily (China sisters-- all connected with that special red thread)
I love Gabe in the background.
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