Tuesday, April 10, 2007


April 9 was our official 1 year together and what a fabulous year we have had. Alex has grown from a sweet little baby to this adorable, independent toddler. The love we feel is just amazing and we can't imagine our life without her.

Here are a few pictures we took on Easter. Look at that beautiful face.

She loves bubbles. We got her this new bubble make from her Gymboree class. It makes the best bubbles.
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1 comment:

Arlette said...

Congratulations on your 1st Year Gotcha Day. I know you two feel truely blessed by this little darling. You are very lucky but she is lucky too. I would love to see you soon...I'm bringing my class down to the zoo in May...maybe we can meet up on that day. I'll let you know the date soon! Arlette