* She is 35 inches tall and weighs 27lbs.
*When she laughs it is with gusto.
*I told her the other day -- you make me laugh so hard and she says-- I cwack you up? and I laughed even harder.
*She is always concerned with other people. I had a little sore on the side of my face where I had a little spot removed and there were stitches there. That was 3 months ago and she still asks me -- Mommy-- boo boo-- you ok?
*She always wants to pick her own clothes and she usually does pretty good at matching or she will say " match?"
*When I give her a vitamin I put about 5 in my hand and let her choose and she always looks down at her clothes to try to match it even though all the vitamins are the same color. so funny.
*she loves to sing. We have a whole repetoire that we go through once we start. My favorite song we sing is "My Favorite Things". It is supposed to be -- girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes and she sings" girls in white dresses with boo satin asses, snowfakes say on my nose and eye asses- and she points to her nose and eyelashes. It melts your heart when she does it.
*She loves school. She loves her teacher. She even knew her teachers name the first day of school because we practiced it alot beforehand
*Her speech is developing by leaps and bounds daily. I think school has helped this. She pointed to her shadow yesterday and said "ook Mommy- sadow" . How does she know about shadows. Amazing.
*She knows about Mickey Mouse and all the Disney characters even though we watch Noggin. She knows all the Backyardigan's names even Uniqua. I was in awe. She just started spouting them out.
*She loves her China sister. We have a picture of them on the refrigerator and she brought it to me the other day and said"ook Mommy, sissers". Yep, out came the tears.
* She talks about her new baby sister all the time. She knows she coming "aff HoHo comes". We told her that we were getting her after Santa comes. She calls her by name. She will say Abby most of the time but she also says "Gareilya" (Gabriella)
*She has a memory like you would not believe. If you promise her something for later you better bet she will come find you and want what you promised her.
*We were at H*me Dep*t in the paint department and I gave her a little flyer with a little girls room on it. It had Cinderella bedding . She told me she wanted that bed. She cried for it for 3 days until I finally told her Santa might bring it for her. That was 2 months ago and she is still talking about that bed.
*She is soooo stubborn. When she gets something in her head-- that is it.
*I love it when she gives kisses all over my face. She will start at my lips,then go to both cheeks, chin, nose, eyes, forehead and end on your lips again and a huge hug. Oh my goodness-- it melts me.
*She loves to put money in her piggy bank and she knows a quarter from a penny from a dime and a nickel.
*She watches to make sure everyone "buckles up for safety " in the car. If you don't she says" seee belt"
I could go on and on about my sweet girl but I will stop here. Just know that I love her so much and she is such a joy in my life.
Our girls sound a LOT alike! Great idea for a post. Hope you don't mind if I steal it. I've had bloggeritis and have had nothing to blog about lately. :0)
Alex is such a sweetheart. I have been wanting to do this for Mia for the longest time so I can remember how she phrases things. I plan on scrapbooking a page about it, but just haven't had the time. (Now I really won't!!) I love that bottom photo. She is precious.
Thanks Robin, you know I never thought about that, great idea. As you can see your words put in action.
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