Well, I think we are doing alright here is Wuhan. I think she is really starting to like us. Our day started out good. She is a good eater but she definitely has her thoughts about what she wants and doesn't want. She was funny. It says in her paperwork that she doesn't like black food and I thought to myself... okay.... I will tuck that one away in the corner of my mind somewhere. Well, I'll be .... if I didn't give her a bag of M&Ms and she picked out all the brown ones and gave them to me and ate the rest. I guess she thought brown was close enough to black for her.
She really is starting to warm up to us. She has let us hold her hand from the beginning but hasn't really let us be too affectionate with her. She has shunned kisses totally..... of course I sneak them in when I can but she wipes them away. At first she would barely put her arm around us when we held her but now she is really starting to hold on. She also didn't really reach for us to pick her up but now she does. She likes me to hold her hand more than she does Todd. I have a ten kisses book and it talks about kissing toes and feet and knees and hands and eyes..... and she actually let me do all the kissing except not really on the face. She kind of let me kiss her eyes and definitely her head but still not her cheek or lips. But she wanted to read the book a couple of times so I was kissing her alot and she was laughing alot. Then when she is done she is done. I did try to blow her kisses and I put my finger to my lips and made a kissing sound and she put her finger to her lips and made the sound but that was all I could get her to do. She is coming along though.
Bedtime went so much better tonight than last night. I gave her some hot milk in a sippy cup. Oh did I tell you they still give her a bottle once a day. They sent the bottle but I haven't even let her see it. She seems to be doing fine with the sippy so I think we will go with that. Anyway bedtime....... After her milk she played a little and then I said it is nite nite time and she shook her head no and I said yes nite nite and I picked her up and put her on the bed and she crawled over to her little corner of the bed and layed down and I layed down with her. We were both on our sides looking at each other and I could see her eyes really big and she was just looking at me and I smiled and she smiled and we played the smiley game for a while and she let me touch her face a little and she just drifted off to sleep. She was so sweet. She pretty much sleeps the entire night. Thank you God-- I prayed hard for that. I hope that she keeps it up.
I have a surprise for you all........ are you ready........ She is starting to count in English. I have the Ten Little LadyBugs book and she loves to touch the lady bugs and I just started counting first in Chinese then in English and then my little mocking bird started to make what sounded like English words . I wasn't sure at first but we have done it many times and they are definitely the English words. We got it on video too. I will try to have Todd post it. I was so excited. She also says " alrighty" and "mama" and "baba" and "mei mei". I am working on "Alex" but no luck so far. She has a picture book of all of us and if you ask her to find Mama, she points to me and same with Todd and herself. I think she is really starting to understand some English. I told her to go throw something away in the garbage and she walked right over and did it.
I must tell you all about the potty experience. I am sure most of you know that in China they have squatty potties. In fact, in most public places this is what they have. Especially in the not so updated areas. So our local guide told us that the word Abby uses for potty is "neow neow" it almost sounds like meow but with a n. She will tell you when she has to go. We did have one little accident where she was telling us but we didn't get it and we had an oops but that is to be expected. So picture this scene in your mind.... it is quite funny.......We are sitting in KFC at the market and Abby says neow neow. I look at Todd and pick her up and said I'll be back. Now I have no idea where anything is in the market much less the toilet and NO ONE speaks English. So I go up to some woman and point to Abby and say "neow neow" and she of course starts speaking Chinese and points down the hall and around the corner. I definitely don't speak Chinese but I do read hand signals pretty good so off we went down the hall looking for the potty. And low and behold there it was. I was expecting one potty but it was a whole bathroom full of potties with doors so I pick one and then realize-- oh squatty potty. So I am trying to figure out how to help a toddler go potty and not get dirty. Well-- we did alright. I can only imagine what these people were thinking about the crazy western woman running to the potty with a Chinese baby but we did it. Oh happy day.
We are doing tours all day today. So that will be good. Keeping us busy and out of the hotel room. You get a little stir crazy in a hotel room with a toddler. I will be happy to move on to Guangzhou. It is very hard being the only western faces everywhere you go and there is no one else to talk to. Even at the hotel, when we need something, it is a long and difficult process. Guangzhou is very westernized and while I don't mind the culture at all, it is trying sometimes with a baby. Last time we had a big group of us and we hung out at various times with each other. I miss that bonding with other families. I look forward to getting with the rest of our group.
Well, that is about enough for one post. I think I will post some more pictures.
Blessings to all
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