Sorry it has been awhile since I posted. We were traveling for a day and our flight was delayed and we didn't get to the White Swan until 9 pm. I was up at 4am-- as usual-- but we didn't have the internet hooked up yet. Then this morning the internet was down.
I have discovered that the Chinese are in a big hurry all the time and they cut in line all the time. Sometimes this really ticks me off and sometimes I am okay with it. Well we were on the plane and Abby had to go to the bathroom. I put her in the aisle and was starting to get out of my seat and this man came charging down the aisle and tried to get ahead of me. Well, needless to say he didn't get in front of me and my baby. What adult man wouldn't let a little girl go to the bathroom first. So Todd and I decided that we would let everyone get off the plane and then we would get off. It is just easier than trying to move baby, luggage, and us with a big herd of people. So everyone got off and I was getting Abby ready and walking her down the aisle. We walked the plank to what we thought was the terminal but then we had to go down steps and there was a whole plane full of people on a bus waiting to be taken to the terminal and they were waiting on us. I thought this was hilarious----- here were all the people in a hurry waiting for the lady with the baby who didn't even realize they were waiting on her. Oops-- Todd and I had a good laugh about that.
We finally got to the White Swan at 9 pm. Let me tell you, they are efficient at the White Swan. We were checked in, in the room, and had our baggage all within 10 minutes. It was awesome. Plus, our local guide Helen, had called and ordered us pizza from Papa Johns. We were in the room 5 minutes and they called to say the pizza had arrived. It worked out perfect. And that pizza.... it was pure heaven. Little Miss Abby loved the pizza. She scarfed it down and was looking for more.
Abby had her medical exam yesterday and passed with flying colors. The doctor gave her a toy because she was so good. We did some paperwork and will go on Tuesday for our final appointment at the US consulate. Yea!!!!!
Today we went to the pearl market and jade and porcelain store. I did get a few nice things. Tomorrow we visit the Buddist temple and a museum. We are on the last stretch and soon will be homeward bound.
Today we were at the market and went to McD to get lunch. Abby asked to go potty so I took her. She asked to go potty 3 times in 10 minutes and I took her. We were in line to get our food and she started crying and asked to go potty over and over again. I told her no because I had just taken her. So we got our food to go and went back to the bus and she is still crying. I keep telling her no. We were going straight back to the hotel so I figured we would take care of it then. Well, we got on the bus and she started eating that food. She ate half my sandwich and half the fries before she came up for air. I think she was telling me she wanted to eat not that she had to go potty and then I kept telling her no-- poor thing. I guess I won't win Mother of the Year for that one. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Abby is doing okay. We seem to have taken 2 steps back. Sometimes she doesn't want me or Todd. She will let Todd play and tickle her but she doesn't show him any other kind of affection. She likes me to hold her and she always wants me at night but she seems more standoffish than she has ever been. She has woken up the last 2 nights just sobbing and only will let me console her and she will go to sleep while I hold her. But she has been really grumpy today and yesterday. She may not feel all that great as she is still coughing and sneezing. She gets really mad sometimes when you tell her no and will sometimes lash out a little. We just tell her "not nice and be gentle". She loves babies and other kids. She just wants to play so I hope she hits it off with Alex right away. She is still saying her numbers in English along with Bye, Hi, Dora, Boots, Daddy. Sometimes I think she is trying to say things but it is very hard to understand. She is giving us "high fives" and will do "cheers" with her drink. It is very cute. She still hasn't given us real kisses but she has kissed her bear and she did kiss a picture of Alex one time. She will sometimes let me kiss her cheek without wiping it off-- keyword --sometimes. She will let me kiss her head and toes and hands but just not really her face. I know that trust will come but it is just hard. We want her to love us as much as we love her.
She is doing okay with her eating. We have found things that she likes other than rice and congee ( local version of rice cereal). She loves bananas and eggs and chicken. We need to work more on the fruits and vegetables but she is a typical 3 year old and won't try alot of things.
Well that is about it for now.
Thanks to everyone for the emails and comments. Can't wait to come home.
Love to all.
Her first few words include "Hi Dora & Boots"? Oh my, that is classic!! I love it!
I know you must be frustrated that you keep progressing forward and then have to take a couple steps back, but think of how far she has come already!! She'll be letting you smother her in kisses in no time.
So glad you met Steffie and Andrew. Isn't he adorable?
Hi Faye and Todd
I just caught up on all your happenings. She is sure a cutie. I'll be praying for bonding to get better and better! She sounds like she has come a ways already. I'm sure she'll fit right in when Alex shows her the ropes :)
Hey Faye! I think it sounds like you're doing great! I would be worried about bonding if it was "too easy". You know what I mean? She is a smart little girl and is taking her time. She'll learn each and every day just how special she is to you! Hang in there- I know it's hard! I bet she'll just love little Alex!
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